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78. Greenwood Pub Group, 1914.
79. One site s instructions on upgrading digital video recorder: http://
80. iPoding: http://www.ipoding.com.
81. EDN Access story on auto codes: http://www.e-insite.net/ednmag/
82. A company called Dinan (http://www.dinancars.com) sells software
upgrades for the BMW line, removing a governor that limits top speed in
the U.S. Although I can t see why this is needed and can imagine many
improper uses BMW s Big-Brotherish settings are also annoying.
83. Erich Von Hippel: http://web.mit.edu/evhippel/www/cv.htm.
84. Tron Project: http://tron.um.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
we the media
85. Marc Smith: http://research.microsoft.com/~masmith.
86. CNETAsia: http://asia.cnet.com/newstech/communications/
87. The New York Times Magazine: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/02/25/
88. Doc Searls on the Segway: http://doc.weblogs.com/2001/12/
89. The Marketing of the President, 2004, Baseline Magazine: http://
90. Perseus Books, 1998.
91. Matt Smith column on Poindexter: http://www.sfweekly.com/issues/2002-
92. Cryptome: http://cryptome.org/tia-eyeball.htm.
93. Information Awareness Office: http://www.darpa.mil/iao/.
94. Jim Romenesko s Poynter Institute media blog: http://poynter.org/
95. The New York Times report on Blair incident: http://www.nytco.com/
96. Donald Luskin blog: http://www.poorandstupid.com.
chapter 4, newsmakers turn the tables
97. The Washington Post interview with Donald Rumsfeld: http://
98. The assumption of accuracy is not automatic, and the Pentagon severely
compromised its credibility in April 2004 in a similar circumstance.
According to The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-
dyn/articles/A28729-2004Apr20.html), the Defense Department deleted
from a public transcript a statement Defense Secretary Donald H. Rums-
feld made to author Bob Woodward suggesting that the administration
gave Saudi Arabia a two-month heads-up that President Bush had decided
to invade Iraq. Woodward provided his own transcript. Will journalists
and sources be posting dueling transcripts in the future?
99. Phil Gomes blog: blog: http://www.philgomes.com/blog.
100. ActiveWords: http://www.activewords.com.
101. Tom Murphy blog: http://www.natterjackpr.com.
102. Ray Ozzie blog: http://www.ozzie.net/blog/.
103. Mark Cuban s Blog Maverick: http://www.blogmaverick.com.
104. John Dowdell s MX Blog: http://www.markme.com/jd/.
105. Macromedia aggregated blogs: http://www.markme.com/mxna/index.cfm.
106. Microsoft Channel 9: http://channel9.msdn.com.
107. Windley is now a consultant on enterprise computing (http://
108. Robert Scoble s Scobleizer blog: http://scoble.weblogs.com.
109. Scoble s Corporate Weblog Manifesto list: http://radio.weblogs.com/
110. Ernest Svenson s Ernie the Attorney blog: http://www.ernietheattorney.net.
111. Wil Wheaton blog: http://www.wilwheaton.net.
112. O Reilly, 2004.
113. Cisco s RSS feeds: http://tools.cisco.com/newsroom/contactSearch/jsp/
114. Jon Udell s PR instructions: http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/2002/08/
115. NUblog: http://www.contenu.nu.
116. Alan Reiter s wireless blog: http://reiter.weblogger.com.
117. Janet Stroller Queen McLaughlin: http://www.strollerqueen.com.
118. The Wall Street Journal, Sept. 8, 2003, page one article.
119. Engadget: http://www.engadget.com.
chapter 5, the consent of the governed
120. Daily Kos: http://www.dailykos.com.
121. Blogads: http://www.blogads.com.
122. Wired News story by Chris Ulbrich on Chandler and blog advertising:
123. Perseus, 2002.
124. Meetup: http://www.meetup.com.
125. At a dinner in Vermont while I was visiting the campaign, an old friend of
Dean s (and mine; I lived in Vermont for almost 15 years until the mid-
1980s) turned to me as I was describing my positive impressions of the
Dean Internet activities and said, But Howard s such a Luddite. Ver-
monters, I discovered, were amused by the former governor s Net savvy,
because he d been reluctant, at best, to bring the most advanced technol-
ogy into state government until well into his latter terms. Another person
at the table offered, But he learns fast.
126. Dean s official blog site: http://blog.deanforamerica.com.
127. Dean Defense Forces: http://www.deandefense.org.
128. Dean campaign spam story by Declan McCullagh: http://news.com.com/
we the media
129. MoveOn: http://www.moveon.org.
130. Bush in 30 Seconds: http://www.bushin30seconds.org.
131. DeanSpace: http://www.deanspace.org.
132. Command Post: http://www.command-post.org.
133. The Schwarzenegger campaign was an exception. Local TV covered the
recall and the candidates positions with surprising fervor, perhaps due to
the actor s star power.
134. Joi Ito s Emergent Democracy paper: http://joi.ito.com/static/
135. Cameron Barrett quote: http://weblog.siliconvalley.com/column/
136. Earth 911: http://www.earth911.com.
137. Pets 911: http://www.pets911.com.
138. DefenseLink: http://www.defenselink.mil.
139. Note some parallels here with journalism (and other institutions being
affected by the Internet) threats to all kinds of centralized power struc-
tures from the edges, where technology gives disproportionate capabilities
to individuals.
140. John Robb: http://jrobb.mindplex.org.
141. Maney column in USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/
chapter 6, professional journalists join the conversation
142. Jane s Intelligence Review thanks Slashdot readers: http://slashdot.org/
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