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your shoes, on a structure, or on an object like a purse or a car.
o During a radiological emergency, a person or thing can leave The statement  While radioactive contamination can spread through
the area of a release of radioactive material and still be physical contact, but is not  infectious or  contagious  seemed
contaminated. contradictory to participants.
" Internal contamination occurs when radioactive material enters the Without more specific information on how to remove contamination,
body. many participants were skeptical that it could be  easily removed.
o It can be swallowed, inhaled, injected, or absorbed.
The following terminology was unfamiliar/confusing:
" Radioactive contamination can be spread in the same way that dust
" External contamination
or mud can be tracked into the home or spread to another person or
" Radioactive material
" Radiation exists naturally
o While radioactive contamination can spread through physical
" Radiation particles
contact, radiation is not "infectious" or "contagious" like some
" Internal contamination
o Radioactive contamination can often be easily removed.
o If you are or were in a contaminated area, listen for public
announcements on how to decontaminate (remove the
Health Message Testing: Detonation of an Improvised Nuclear Device G-3
79. What are the health effects of radiation exposure? Participant Feedback
" The health effects of radiation depend on the amount of radiation, While participants found information on symptoms of large doses of
type of radiation, the type of radioactive material and length of time a radiation exposure (skin burns, nausea, vomiting) valuable, they
person is exposed to radiation. wanted more information on how skin burns caused by radiation might
present, and a more definitive timeline of how symptoms could
" Seek medical attention immediately if you think you may have been develop.
exposed to radiation and develop these symptoms: skin burns, nausea,
and vomiting. Note that skin burns can take time to present Many declared that regardless of preexisting conditions, they would
themselves and nausea from preexisting conditions should not be seek medical attention immediately.
confused with radiation sickness.
Participants expressed their concern that the health system could
" Unlike flu symptoms, these symptoms of radiation sickness can take quickly become overwhelmed in this scenario, and that these
time to develop after someone is exposed to radiation. instructions could lead to chaos at the hospitals.
" There are some treatments available for people exposed to certain Participants were confused by the mention of flu-like symptoms in a
types of radioactive material. message concerning radiation exposure. Some participants concluded
o Local emergency workers and medical professionals will that radiation exposure could cause influenza.
determine if medical treatments are needed and what kind of
medical treatment to provide. The following terminology was unfamiliar/confusing:
" Radioactive material
" Flu symptoms
Health Message Testing: Detonation of an Improvised Nuclear Device G-4
80. Does radiation cause cancer? Participant Feedback
" There is documented scientific evidence linking high levels of Overall, participants did not think this would be a question they would
radiation exposure to an increased risk of cancer. ask in the first 72 hours. The language was considered to be too much
legalese, without information on how to limit or reduce radiation
" However, the cancers may not appear for years, or even decades. exposure to lower cancer risk. This led to an overall impression of
mistrust among participants.
" Background radiation and low radiation doses from routine medical
and environmental sources will not significantly increase your overall Participants wanted more information on what was considered a  high
cancer risk. level of radiation exposure based on an IND scenario.
Information on background radiation and medical exposure was
unnecessary information and deemed irrelevant based on the given
The following terminology was unfamiliar/confusing:
" High levels of radiation exposure
" Background radiation
Health Message Testing: Detonation of an Improvised Nuclear Device G-5
83. How will people know if they have been exposed to radiation and Participant Feedback
what happens if they are exposed?
" If you are near an incident, you may have been exposed to radiation Participants found this message to be contradictory, in that it gave
and you may also be contaminated by radioactive material. instructions to seek medical advice if certain symptoms were present,
o You may not experience any immediate health effects. but also directed everyone to stay inside.
" A large dose of radiation may cause skin burns, nausea, and Many had questions on how they could assess their potential level of
vomiting. exposure, besides proximity to the incident.
o If you have these symptoms, seek medical attention
immediately. Participants wanted more information on when health effects may
o If possible, stay inside until you are instructed to leave. This appear, if not immediate, and what those might be and when they
will protect you from dangerous radiation levels outside. would most likely present.
The following terminology was unfamiliar/confusing:
" Contaminated
" Radioactive material
" Dose
Health Message Testing: Detonation of an Improvised Nuclear Device G-6
85. Are there any treatments for radiation sickness and removal of Participant Feedback
radioactive contamination?
" Treatment for radiation sickness is mainly limited to preventing Participants felt this message was too long, and they had trouble
infections, maintaining hydration, and treating major injuries and remembering the main points of the message. This message raised
burns. anxiety.
" There are limited medical treatments available for internal (inside Many wanted to know things they could do themselves to prevent
the body) radioactive contamination, but these only work for certain infections, maintain hydration (particularly if they were concerned
types of radioactive materials and need to be prescribed by a doctor. about a clean water supply) and treating injuries and burns.
Internal contamination is typically a small part of total radiation
exposure and not everyone will need this medicine. Potassium Iodide Participants did not like the use of the word  limited .
can help with internal contamination with radioactive iodine if taken
quickly after an incident. It is available without a prescription but Information about Potassium Iodide, its effectiveness and availability, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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