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34 57
See Maitland & Smith interviews and Berkeley at War for a I.e. the goats slaughtered during the Islamic Hadj to Mecca, ko-
closer view. sher, some Hindu religions, Santeria.
35 58
Sources are John Nason s Oral Interview & 30 pg. transcript, and Except in the case of war, where they will sacrifice thousands of
comments by Maitland, Smith and other Druids in their interviews. lives for a religious ideal or goal.
36 59
Again, oral interviews with Maitland, Nason and Smith; in addi- Druid Chronicles (Reformed) Early Chronicles 5:10
tion to Druid interviews.
Druid Chronicle (Reformed) Early Chronicles 5:9
Source interviews with Maitland, Nason, Smith, David & Deborah
Frangquist and Norman Nelson. Druid Chronicles (Reformed) Early Chronicles Chap. 5.
38 62
March 1964 Carleton College Catalogue pg. 136; thanks NN! Druid Chronicles (Reformed) Book of Meditations 7:10-11
39 63
Internal Correspondence 10/23/69. See Part Eleven of ARDA: IX & X for samples: Carletonian 11/
13/63, Purdue Exponent (on Purdue Grove) 1/5/70 & Drawing
Oral History interview with Felicia Oldfeather Down the Moon article on Druids.
41 64
Feb. 1993 Questionnaire. Howard Cherniack Reps, Paul. Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. pg. 175
42 65
It should be noted that the main books used by Druid groups See Part Eleven of ARDA: XXX, XXXII & XXXIII respectively.
today had not been published yet, that includes the authors Piggot,
Ross and Chadwick. They did have Kendrick, which was good. More These included Fisher 65, Nelson 65, David & Deborah
later. Frangquist 66/ 67, Gary Zempel 66, Dick Smiley, Thomas
McCausland, Shelton 71, McDavid 72. Essentially all the key Dru-
ids in the RDNA s inter-grove history.
Non-Intramural Corr. Frangquist to Carletonian 11/12/65 This
The reader should know by this point, that it was the Frangquists was before sexist terminology was realized. Note rational was a
who were integral people in setting of the foundations for the growth loophole for non-religious Druids.
and future appeal of Reformed Druidism.
Druid Chronicles. Meditations 6:9-11.
App B: IV 1964 Fisher to Frangquist.
Sort of like the academic honor system applied to religious be-
I.e. Druids liefs.
70 96
I.e. a Third Order priest who stays out all night awaiting the Frangquists interview
dawn initiation.
Carleton Apocrypha. A Book of Faith paragraph 5
Druid Chronicles. Meditations Chapter 10.
Feb. 1993 Questionnaire Ellen Shelton
Experimentation in American Religion. pg. 15-18. And Encyclo-
pedic Handbook of Cults pg. 8. Feb. 1993 Questionnaire Faris Keeling
73 44
Non-Intramural Corr. Fisher to Melton 7/13/73 Student Organizational Report RDNA 4/23/65 Frangquist
74 100
Part Eleven of ARDA: XXXII: B Translation of Uisge-Beatha (Whiskey). Waters-of-life appear as
a joining medium in Stranger in a Strange Land, a science fiction
Feb. 1993 Questionnaire Glen McDavid pg. 5 book then available. They also show up in Dune, but that wasn t
published until 1965.
Int. Corr. 1/28/86 Shelton to Koester
Note that Preceptor and Server are titles swiped from Episco-
Especially early Christianity, which I ll discuss later in the Liturgy palian ritual.
Unrecorded interview with James Hall 64 during Mar 1993.
Quite notably the use of the Waters-of-life in the liturgy, as I will
speculate later. Again, Nelson Questionnaire response pg. 6. See Druid Chronicles
(reformed) Early Chronicles 1:6. I go into Fisher s origins in greater
In many ways, Frangquist may have designed the perfect Zen mon- detail in Chapter Four.
astery, a Zen monastery that doesn t know it is a Zen monastery
Constitutions of the RDNA. Part Eleven of ARDA: XII
Feb. 1993 Questionnaire. Glen McDavid pg. 5
It might be noted that there are three primary orders in freema-
You may be also wondering why it s taking me so long to get to sonry and that one rite has exactly 10 orders, they being primarily
this part. Well, Gibson took over 1400 pages to describe the Rise honorary after the third order. Part Four of ARDA for rules and Part
and Fall of the Roman Empire, but I ll take less than a hundred. Three.
82 106
Some feared to even require these. Again, Nelson Questionnaire response pg. 2
83 107
Druid Chronicle Book of Law, 5 & 6 Which is one of the primary reason Mr. Fisher refuses any more
Feb. 1993 Questionnaire letter from Norman Nelson pg. 2.
Student Organizational Report RDNA 4/24/66 by Zempel
Non-Intramural Corr. Fisher to Melton.
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