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Kremlin, 13 June 1953.
Com. Malenkov: They had a discussion recently with
Notes of GDR Premier O. Grotewohl25 on Meetings
Comrade Rakosi34 about the Hungarian situation. After
between East German and Soviet Leaders in Moscow,
that conversation, it seemed necessary to discuss certain
2-4 June 1953
questions in a wider range. He recommends as the
procedure for discussion that the Hungarian comrades
Malenkov Semenov
unfold their views primarily regarding three questions that
Beriia26 Grechko
relate to fields where not everything is in order in Hun-
Molotov 27 Kaganovich28
Khrushchev29 Ulbricht
1. certain questions of economic development
Bulganin30 Oelßner31
2. the selection of cadres
Mikoian32 Gr[otewohl]
3. certain questions of the state administration (abuses of
Concerned about GDR
After discussing these questions, the ways to correct
Document on Measures for Improvement
the mistakes must be discussed.
Read by Oelßner
Com. Malenkov: We view Hungary s situation with a
continuation at 10:00 on 3 June
critical attitude. We would like the comrades to be critical
as well, and to tell us their opinions about the problems.
6/3/53 Continuation
Our impression is that the Hungarian comrades underesti-
the same composition
mate the problems. Without a thorough debate of the
Malenkov: the point of departure for everything has to be
questions, it is impossible to find proper solutions. The
the change of the conditions in the GDR.
facts that we are familiar with indicate that the situation in
Beriia: We all have been at fault; no accusations
the field of agriculture is not good. The quality of animal
Molotov: So many mistakes, therefore correcting it in a
husbandry is not improving; on the contrary, it is declin-
way that all of G[ermany] will see it.
ing. Regarding the [agricultural] collectives, the situation
Khrushchev: L.P.G. greatest [degree of ] voluntarism
is not too good there either. As far as we know, 8-10,000 The large number of major investments contribute to
families left the collectives last year. They say the harvest the bad situation in the villages. The Hungarian industry is
was bad. That cannot explain everything. There were not small. If the Hungarian industry was rectified and
excessive orders during the collection of the [agricultural] broadened a bit, it would be possible to develop metallurgy
levy. It was not proper to collect the entire sunflower and and certain other industrial branches more slowly. This
rice harvest. Many peasants are sentenced by the courts, would allow them to pay more attention to light industry,
because they do not fulfill their obligations to the State. to the industry that serves the citizens.
There are problems in the area of trade as well. They Regarding legality and law enforcement, comrade
provide few commodities for the population. Malenkov is right. Comrade Rakosi once again misunder-
Persecutions were initiated against 250,000 people in stands us in this question. The issue is not that comrade
the second half of 1952. It is true that 75% of the persecu- Rakosi mentioned 30-40,000 arrested, and their number is
tions were stopped; yet, the number is still rather high. In somewhat higher.
1952, they brought sentences in about 540,000 cases of Could it be acceptable that in Hungary a country
transgressions within 9 months. All these provoked with 9,500,000 inhabitants persecutions were initiated
dissatisfaction among the population. against 1,500,000 people? Administrative regulations
To return to the [question of] collectives, there is were applied against 1,500,000 people within two and a
evidence according to which the income of the collectives half years. These numbers show that the interior and
employees is less than that of individually working judiciary organs and the AVH36 work very badly, and the
farmers. It is also a mistake that they appropriate [only] a Ministry of the Interior and the AVH must merge precisely
small sum for investments in the field of agriculture. because of this. A respectful comrade must be placed in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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